Trust and rediscovering yourself

2024,50x60,acrylic on canvas

They illustrate the journey of letting go, hiding in the shelter of the water and then emerging into the world strengthened and with a renewed joy for life. The artworks illustrate the balance between retreat and renewal, immersion into the unknown and finding peace and happiness on the surface.


The Illusion of Reflection

2024,50x60,acrylic on canvas


Reflection and mirrors play a big role in how we see ourselves. You never actually see your own face directly. Instead, you rely on mirrors or other shiny surfaces like windows to get a glimpse of what you look like.

Mirrors aren't just about what we look like on the outside. They also reflect our emotions and thoughts. Sometimes, when we look in the mirror, we see more than just our physical appearance. We might notice how we're feeling or even learn something new about ourselves.

And it's not just mirrors – even seeing our reflection in a window as we walk by can make us pause and think. It's a quick reminder that we're here, right now, in this moment.

How something as thin as the surface of a mirror or a window can hold such power over our perception of ourselves? That thin surface isn't just reflecting light, it's reflecting us. Our hopes, our fears, our dreams, our insecurities – they all come alive in that mirror or window, staring back at us with every glance we take.


Isolated in Infinity, 80x100cm, acrylic on canvas


2023,80x60,acrylic on canvas

A lone figure floats in the endless space of a distant planet, far from the familiar streets and sounds of the city. Here, surrounded by the silence of space, she finds a moment of peace and escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Just as we look for small moments of peace in the city, she dives in to recover from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The calm waters of the crater reflect our longing for inner contemplation as we try to lose ourselves in the infinity of the universe and forget the world around us for
a moment. The aim of the painting is to free the viewer from his thoughts for a moment and invite him to observe the woman in the midst of this unknown and abstract environment of the universe and to grasp the freedom that she radiates.